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Image by John Simmons

Ship Green launches carbon calculator for tracking CO2 emissions

Freight forwarders and in-house shipping experts are set to benefit from a new not-for-profit carbon calculator, educational platform and peer-to-peer network that has been launched to help mitigate the efforts of global logistics on climate change.

Ship Green CIC will provide a cost-effective carbon calculator for shipments at lower rates than commercial alternatives, that agents will be able to integrate into their software, quotations, invoices and websites.

The obligation for almost everyone in the supply chain to record their CO2 usage is fast approaching. From manufacturers, transport, distribution and trading companies, by 31 March 2025, EU companies must submit to the Commission their Emissions ESG report including CO2 usage from shipments.

Ship Green will offer both in-house shippers and agents the ability to track the carbon output of their shipments and offset them against a range of global environmental protection charities and programmes.

Founder of Ship Green, Jenna Morgan

Founder Jenna Morgan, a second-generation freight forwarder with twenty years’ shipping experience from the UK, established Ship Green to make lasting change in the industry and help logistics experts navigate a rapidly changing legislative and ethical landscape.

She said: “Ship Green offers a low-cost carbon calculator API to record the CO2 of cargo, with profits investment into environmental projects. We offer a network of like-minded eco freight forwarders with an info hub of research and industry news to ensure everyone stays ahead of the curve with changing legislation with packages from £25 a month.

As much as everyone needs to move goods around the world, it doesn’t feel good to work in an industry which is currently contributing to so much of the world’s pollution. I’ve set this up with my children in mind – as our mission says its “Protecting our air and seas for our future generations”. Whilst watching David Attenborough’s Extinction, my eldest daughter looked at me and said “Mum, what are you doing to help the planet?”. I knew I needed to do more, not just be part of the problem. I wanted to give something back, and this is for them that we must find and create change.

Logistics is often the broken link in sustainability as much of it is out of the control of the customer. Ship Green is a force of good – a collective of likeminded freight forwarders and shipping specialists to make a positive change in the industry.”


The shipping industry is facing a number of environmental challenges, and is currently working on:

  • Transport de-carbonisation and Net Zero by 2050

  • Further engagement with governments and stakeholders on achieving a more sustainable logistics industry

  • Transitioning to greener energy, for example electric vehicles

  • Decarbonise shipping fuels – changing to hydrogen fuels

  • Being wary of scrubbers for sulphur oxide in ships exhaust

  • Properly maintaining cargo vessels to avoid oil and chemical spills

  • Dismantling out-of-commission ships safely


Members of Ship Green will be asked to sign-up to a number of pledges including offering clients with slower freight movements to reduce emissions, avoiding old transport vehicles, not shipping waste or scrap, not shipping conflict materials, firearms, weapons or ammunition shipments, not shipping single use items and not to participate in non-sustainable supply chains or elaborate cross-trades.

Membership packages start from as low as £25 per month, to hopefully encourage smaller freight businesses to join. For further information, please visit



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